The Renehan are a well-rounded faction that brings a wide variety of interesting battle solutions to the table. With high speed, magical utility, healing, strong melee, and ranged damage, they can dynamically adapt to the flow of battle. While no single aspect of the Renehan's abilities may surpass another faction's, it is their versatility and adaptability that make them so deadly, constantly countering enemies' strengths with their own skills. Although the Renehan remain competitive in nearly all aspects of war, their armor leaves much to be desired and could be exploited by opponents with superior firepower.

The Renehan trace their origins to the collapse of the High Elven Empire, when many Elven followings fled for survival. Among them were the Ren'ie, who sailed west to the distant continent of Kil'raeth, seeking refuge during the perilous period known as the Red Exodus. After years of hardship, they found sanctuary in the mystical Spires of Chyroma, home to the benevolent Kitsune.
Once fierce enforcers of Elven law, the Ren'ie underwent a profound transformation over the next millennium. With the guidance of the Kitsune, shapeshifting creatures in tune with the elements, the broken Ren'ie found redemption. They emerged as the Renehan, a peaceful yet formidable society of warriors who now live in isolation, dedicated to harmony and honor.
The Kitsune, with their deep connection to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit, welcomed the Renehan, provided they follow the Myoto, the ancient law of the Spires. Together, they forged a new future, bound by respect for nature and each other.

The Kitsune are ancient and mystical guardians of the Spires of Chyroma, their humanoid forms concealing their true, powerful nature. Each Kitsune is gifted with multiple tails, each representing one of the five elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Spirit. These shape-shifting beings possess unparalleled wisdom, living in harmony with the elements while fiercely protecting their sacred homeland. The Myoto, a set of ancestral laws, governs their existence, mandating strict protection of the environment. The sacred cherry blossom trees, believed to have spiritual properties, are especially revered, with deforestation being a grave offense. Though the Kitsune are harmonious with nature, they are ruthless in battle, unleashing elemental fury upon any who dare threaten their realm.
The Spires of Chyroma are a breathtaking yet treacherous region, where towering cliffs are adorned with sacred cherry blossoms and cascading waterfalls. The fragmented land platforms are linked by rope bridges, offering the only means of traversing the perilous vertical landscape. Invading the Spires is an immense challenge due to their natural fortifications, and a single misstep on the bridges could send one plummeting to a watery grave below. While rich in rare resources, the civilizations and treasures of Chyroma are nestled atop the peaks, fiercely guarded by the Renehan and the local Kitsune. The sheer verticality of the region, combined with its ethereal beauty, makes it one of the most difficult yet alluring places on Eldinar.
Hebun Renehan rises majestically atop the cliffs of the Spires of Chyroma, a city where tradition, honor, and nature are woven into every aspect of life. The city's elegant towers and tiered pagodas are adorned with intricate carvings and surrounded by serene gardens filled with sacred cherry blossoms. Waterfalls cascade from the heights of the cliffs, giving the city a tranquil yet awe-inspiring atmosphere. At the heart of Hebun Renehan lies the Hall of the Elements, where the Renehan gather to meditate, train, and commune with the forces of nature. The city's Samurai, skilled in both blade and magic, patrol its winding streets, ever vigilant in defending their home. Hebun Renehan stands as a beacon of unity and discipline, a place where the Renehan continue their timeless pursuit of balance and mastery.
Tsukio Eoni, the current leader of the Renehan, is a man weighed down by his past and haunted by guilt. As a direct descendant of the noble Tsukio family, he is tasked with upholding the honor of his people. However, his life has been marred by tragedy. His first wife was kidnapped and murdered, leaving behind a son, Nobu, whom Eoni shamefully abandoned. Nobu now stalks the outer islands of Chyroma as the feared "Ghost of the Renehan," raiding villages and embodying Eoni’s deepest regrets. Eoni has since remarried a Kitsune woman, a controversial union that has divided the Renehan. Despite this, he remains a devoted leader, seeking redemption and balance for the sins of his past, while battling the internal conflict that threatens his legacy.